Try BETA OPUS-S v5.0.0 to process GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, QZSS,
and preview new report formats!
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BETA OPUS-S v5.0.0 will be removed in the near future
Sign up for our NGS News email list to be notified when an updated BETA version of the
Modernized OPUS-Static is released for testing which will feature an upgraded multi-GNSS processor and new network-based simultaneous adjustment of baselines.
To use OPUS, simply upload a GPS data file (collected with a survey-grade GPS receiver) to the OPUS upload page.
Your computed NSRS position will be emailed to you.
If you choose, your position can also be shared publicly on the NGS website, or added
to a larger survey project.
Static GNSS data files must meet the following requirements:
Have dual-frequency GPS (L1/L2) full wavelength carrier phase observables
Include static data only (the antenna must remain unmoved throughout the observing session)
Include a minimum of 15 minutes and maximum of 48 hours of data, not crossing UTC midnight more than once
Files under 2 hours must include both P2 observables and either P1 or C1 observables
Record data at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, or 30 seconds
Accepted data formats include:
NEW! for projects only: GVX-formatted real-time kinematic (RTK) and post-processed vectors.
Compressed UNIX, gzip, pkzip, and Hatanaka formats. Note, compressed files are processed sharing one antenna type+height entered at upload.
Many other raw data formats
A few notes on static data types:
OPUS only uses GPS observables (even if the file contains other GNSS observables).
OPUS decimates all recording rates to 30 seconds.
OPUS accepts all mask angles, but only satellites more than 10° above the horizon are used.
2. Select your antenna type
To find the correct antenna type, browse antenna calibrations. Correctly selecting your antenna will help OPUS apply the appropriate antenna calibration model to counter the unique measurement biases inherent in each antenna's design. Choosing an incorrect antenna may result in a height error as large as 80 cm and a horizontal error up to 1 cm.
3. Enter your ARP height
Enter the vertical height (in meters) of your Antenna Reference Point (ARP) above the mark. See antenna calibration for a drawing of the ARP for your antenna (usually the center of the base or tripod mount).
4. Enter your email address
Your OPUS solution will be sent to this address when processing is complete.
5. Select additional options
By clicking the 'Options' button, you can:
Customize your solution format
Choose your base stations
Choose your State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) zone
If you choose to set a profile, OPUS will save your email, antenna type and height, and options used.
Subsequent uploads will require only your email and a data file to apply your customized defaults.
Caution! If you choose to set a profile, your selections will override the optimized defaults for all subsequent uploads.
How does OPUS processing work?
Depending on the duration of your data file, OPUS will use either static or rapid-static processing:
Static: Files that are 2 to 48 hours in duration are processed using PAGES static software.
Your coordinates are the average of three independent, single-baseline solutions, each computed by double-differenced carrier-phase measurements from one of three nearby CORSs.
Rapid-Static: Files that are 15 minutes to 2 hours in duration are processed using RSGPS rapid-static software.
Rapid-static processing has stricter requirements for data continuity and geometry; in some remote areas of the country OPUS-RS may not work.
OPUS Accuracy
How accurate is it?
Under normal conditions, most positions can be computed to within a few centimeters. However, estimating the accuracy for a specific solution is difficult
because formal error propagation is notoriously optimistic for GPS reductions. User errors (such as misidentification of antenna or ARP height) cannot be detected.
Local multipath or adverse atmospheric conditions may also negatively impact your solution.
Static: For each coordinate (X, Y, Z, Φ, λ, h, and H), static processing provides the range of the three individual single baselines,
also called peak-to-peak errors. These ranges include any error from the base station coordinates.
Rapid-Static: The best estimates of coordinate errors are the standard deviations reported by single baseline analysis.
Our experiments indicate that the actual error is less than these estimated accuracies more than 95 percent of the time.
Improving your OPUS results:
Follow these guidelines to improve the quality of your OPUS solution:
Observe longer: A longer session provides OPUS a better opportunity to accurately fix ambiguities and mitigate multipath error.
The figure below shows the correlation between session duration and accuracy. Please note: this figure is a result of a published regional study,
and the performance of OPUS may be slightly better or worse in your geographic location. For details on this regional study,
see Gillins, D.T., Kerr, D., and Weaver, B. (2019).
"Evaluation of the Online Positioning User Service for Processing Static GPS Surveys: OPUS-Projects, OPUS-S, OPUS-Net, and OPUS-RS," ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, 145(3): 05019002.
Observe again: A second independent observation which yields a similar solution is an easy way to increase confidence in your results. To maximize independence between observations:
Use a different observer
Use different equipment
Observe on a different day, at a different time of day
Wait a day before submitting your file: OPUS will use the best CORS and orbits available at the time you upload your data.
While most CORS are archived within 30-minutes past the hour, some aren't available until the next day.
If you process your data in less than 24 hours after collection, OPUS will use Ultra-Rapid orbits.
Rapid orbits, available at 17:00 UTC the next day, will offer a slight improvement in your accuracy.
Final orbits, available weeks later, offer only slight benefit to solutions in areas with usable CORS nearby.
What does a quality solution look like?
The most accurate OPUS solutions have the following characteristics:
Orbits used are precise or rapid
Over 90% of observations are used
Over 50% of ambiguities are fixed
The correct antenna type and ARP height are entered
Overall RMS is less than 3 cm
Peak-to-peak errors are less than 5 cm
For OPUS-RS: the solution contains no warning messages
Please note: OPUS-RS may perform poorly or fail during periods of high ionospheric disturbance or during the passage of a strong weather front.
In general, it is best to avoid collecting GPS data during these events. To avoid collecting data during a geomagnetic storm,
see NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, which issues geomagnetic storm alerts.
Solution Formats
Two solution formats are available:
Standard: a sample standard solution report is provided below.
Extended: in addition to the information in the standard solution, the extended solution also includes more detailed information about the base stations used and solution statistics.
For static: overall root mean square (RMS) error for the doubly-differenced iono-free carrier phase observables for the three single baseline solutions.
For rapid static: a unitless normalized RMS
REF FRAME: NAD_83(2011)(EPOCH:2010.0000) _________ ITRF2014 (EPOCH:2022.1554)
NAD83 and ITRF2014
Your position: Earth-centered cartesian coordinates in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
The North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) is also reported, if applicable.
Accuracies below are reported as either solution range errors
(static) or standard deviation estimates (rapid static). All initial computations are
performed in ITRF. Your NAD83 coordinates are derived by transforming ITRF vectors into the
NAD83 reference frame and recomputing the 3 independent and averaged positions
(not a direct transformation of the ITRF coordinates; a direct transformation could be
considered more accurate, but wouldn't fit your surrounding NAD83 network as well.)
For both ITRF and NAD83, the reference coordinates for each CORS are derived from the
NGSIDB and are updated using crustal motion velocities from
HTDP (Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning software to your data file's epoch.
Your final ITRF reference frame coordinates retain this observed epoch, while your NAD83
coordinates are transformed again to the standard epoch date of January 1, 2010.
The CORS we used as reference stations and
the nearest mark from the NGS Integrated Data Base (NGSIDB) are reported along with their positions and approximate distances from your position.
N403225.841 W0742804.135 46686.9
N404747.350 W0742859.339 66591.5
N395710.023 W0741136.593 44920.6
DM6970 853 1942 D TIDAL
N401937.751 W0735937.320 ____ 0.0
This position and the above vector components were computed without any knowledge by the National Geodetic Survey
regarding the equipment or field operating procedures used.
OPUS automated disclaimer
Error Messages
I got a warning message
that the IGS Precise Orbit was not available at the time
of processing, but the "rapid" was used. What does that mean?
We will not have the "final" IGS
Precise orbit until the International GPS Service (IGS) completes
a full week (Sunday through Saturday). This final precise orbit
is the combination of seven analysis centers worldwide.
It can take these analysis centers several days to upload the orbit to the IGS
so the availabilty of a Sunday orbit can be 19 days.
The IGS rapid orbit is used in the absence of the IGS precise orbit.
However, this is not cause for alarm since the IGS rapid is nearly
as "good" as the IGS precise. How does this relate to positions on the ground?
Since most OPUS baselines are less than several hundred kilometers,
the differences between using the IGR (rapid orbit) and the
IGS (precise orbit) is barely detectable if at all. Because
of this, OPUS has discontinued this warning message (1/1/2004).
For more information see
Some of my attempts
to submit data generates a return email saying,
"The observations to slip ratio is too low.
There were an unusually high number
of cycle slips in the data set. Aborting ..." (Code 1012).
What does this mean, and how can I correct it?
This error message primarily indicates
that your carrier phase data set contains too many cycle slips
to assure an automated hands-off processing to obtain accurate
results. The data may still be useful, but will require human
intervention to efficiently resolve the cycle slips. Perhaps
nearby radio interference or obstructions have caused an unusual
amount of cycle slips.
I am trying to upload
a RINEX file and I am getting a message that there are illegal
characters in the file name -- what am I doing wrong?
The problem is probably not with the
file name, but with the path name. OPUS is run on a UNIX machine,
and it can only read path names that contain numbers, letters,
the period, dash, and the underscore. If you move your file
to another directory, it should be able to be uploaded.
FAQs - Static
I uploaded data. Why no response?
Solutions are usually sent within a
few minutes, but it may take more than an hour to complete
if traffic is heavy or your file is large. You will eventually
receive either a solution or a failure message. Take care to
enter your email address correctly and check your spam filters.
My nearest CORS weren't used. Why not?
OPUS tries to use your nearest CORS,
but tests the integrity of each dataset, and will expand the
search area until enough quality data are found. Also note
some CORS data are not available until the following day. You
may use OPUS options to force include or exclude specific CORS.
Is antenna required? If I select "NONE" will it use the L1 phase center?
While strongly recommended, if you leave the antenna as NONE your data will be processed with no offsets
applied, resulting in a position a few centimeters above or below the L1 phase center.
Ignoring your antenna's phase center variations will be interpreted as changes in tropo delays,
causing errors in the tropo parameters which will degrade your solution.
What is the ARP height
for Leica antenna model SR 399, with GRT44 tripod mount?
If you have this type of antenna mounting,
the ARP height can be determined by using the following equation:
Height of ARP (meters) = 0.350 + tape measurement (meters)
"Tape Measurement" is the distance in meters from
the bottom of the hook in the antenna mounting
to the monument.
Why do so many antennas include the term "NONE"? What are SPKE, SNOW, SCIS, etc?
A NONE suffix means no radome, a shell occasionally used to protect permanent antenna installations.
OPUS identifies antenna types using the 20-character antenna+radome codes adopted by the International GNSS Service (IGS);
see antenna calibration for more information.
My NAD83 coordinates
are missing. Why?
Sometimes OPUS uses CORS from outside
the NGS CORS network that only have IGS reference frame positions and no listed
NAD83 positions. Your resulting positions will be just as good
as if all CORS were used, except the NAD83 positions will not
be listed. You may wish to go to the NGS home page, click on
"Products and Services", and download the program HTDP.
This program converts positions between different reference frames.
How do the NAVD88
heights from GEOID18 compare with heights from GEOID12B,
Newer geoid models provide improved
orthometric height accuracy. Upgrade your older GPS heights
as follows:
NAVD88new geoid =
NAVD88old geoid - new geoid ht + old geoid ht.
Use the interactive computations tools within geoids or VDatum to compute geoid heights for your project area.
Your data helps maintain local ties to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). Your shared solutions will also help your community prepare
for the NSRS modernization in 2022 by contributing to the GPS on Bench Marks for the Transformation Tool campaign (GPS on BM).
The Transformation Tool will enable conversions from current vertical datums to the new North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022
(NAPGD2022). To see examples,
check out shared solutions near you.
NGS continues to enhance the Online Positioning User Service (OPUS). The projects described below are in progress to further develop OPUS-Projects so that GNSS control surveys
can be more efficiently completed according to NGS standards and guidelines, assessed for quality, submitted for review, and published in the NGS Integrated Database (IDB).
See also the 03 February 2021 OPUS User Forum - Where We Are and Where We're Going
OPUS to add GNSS Constellations
The NGS processing engine for static surveys, PAGES, is being rewritten to incorporate GNSS constellations besides GPS, as well as other housekeeping improvements.